I sat down to type a new blog post and I was completely STUNNED to see that it has been more than I year since my last post. I know I am a grade A slacker, but a year is ridiculous.
As usual lack of posts = bad weight loss results. My weight is back to my "normal" level of 402 pounds. That is the weight I am at when I am not trying to loose. I have weighed that much for most of the last 10 years. I may lose 20 or 30 pounds on various weight loss programs, but once I get off track, back up it goes.
While my weight may be almost the same, I have noticed a sharp decline in my actual health over the past six months or so. Things I used to take for granted, like walking up a flight of stairs, or walking a few blocks, have become a challenge. My numbers (blood sugar, cholesterol, etc) are getting worse, and are getting closer to problem levels.
I know it is time (yet again) to get my act together and do something about my health. During my last check up with my doctor he mentioned that their office has a new comprehensive Weight Loss Program. I have done several weight loss type thing through various doctor's offices (nutritionists, pills, etc.) and have had only temporary success. It seems that this new program is much more comprehensive that anything I have tried before. It covers all four areas that can effect weight loss; Nutrition, Exercise, Mental Health, and Medical Health.
With all of my previous experience with trying to loose weight, I have an extensive knowledge of the first two areas. I know what I should and should not eat, how many calories and fat grams foods have. I also know that I need to walk and how to work out at the gym. I don't know why I am over eating, or what prompted me to gain so much weight in the first place. Also, why I can't stick with a weight loss program for more than a few months?
I am hoping that a comprehensive program that finally addresses all of these areas will work for me. I had my first appointment last week and I loved the Doctor I saw. I will meet the rest of the doctors and medical professionals in the program over the next month or so. I am really excited so far and really really really want this to work !! Please let me have the strength, motivation, and commitment to see it through.