Tuesday, July 20, 2010

It's official, I have not had any soda for one week (has the stock price of Coke started to fall ?)

After my post last week, I did a lot of thinking and soul searching.Upon reflection, I determined that I have not made a serious enough attempt to control what I put in my body. My previous efforts were a first good step, but not enough to make a large impact.

Fairly organically, I stopped drinking all soda.  I just made the decision not to drink one Coke with lunch, then didn't drink one with dinner. After realizing how (relatively) easy it was to give up, I just decided to not drink any at all. It was very rough for the first three or four days, I was in full caffeine and sugar withdrawal.  I had headaches, a lack of energy, and cravings. After they all passed it has been much easier.

I also made several other changes too.  I have reduced the amount of carbs I have been eating, no chips, less bread, no sweets, fewer french frys, etc.   I have also stopped eating late at night when ever possible, no desert or snacks after 8:00.  If I have not had dinner at work on nights I work late, I have a small mini meal, with the healthiest food we have ion the house (Salads, etc.) I did have a Sub from Harris Teeter last night, but it was loaded with veggies. We made a run to BJ's Wholesale Club to stock up on healthier eating options.  

I go back to the Doctor tomorrow (stupid sinus infection won't go away) so I will have an "official" weigh in, and see what he says about every thing, so look for another update tomorrow.

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