Friday, March 4, 2011

Couch to 5k for a bunch of Couch Potatoes

Well I did it.  After years and years of telling myself "That Couch to 5k programs looks good, I should do it." I finally bit the bullet and signed up.  Not only that, I signed my wife and daughter up as well, partially against their will ;-)!/pages/ReFlex-International-Couch-to-5k-program/129132879123

We started our class almost 3 weeks ago, and it started out rough.  The class was much bigger than I had anticipated, the first night we had more than 150 people.  With that many participants, the there is a wide variety of fitness levels.  I feel that I am a true couch potato, and have a low level of fitness. I am not sure some of my classmates qualify for the couch portion of the description. While I struggled to do the bare minimum 1 minute of walking / 1 minute of running, people were whizzing past me and weren't even short of breath. Not being able to keep up with every one else is very frustrating and discouraging for all of us.  I have come to accept my own pace, and try and not get in the way of the faster runners.

Today was our 6th class, and I am proud to say that Bailey has been to every class, and seems to enjoy running (for a while anyway.) Dee and I have missed one here or there due to work conflicts, but one of us is always there. On class days I have to work late, I do my running/ walking when I get home.  It has been a great experience so far and it has given us some great family time together.

The Bunny Run 5k is in 7 weeks, so we have a lot of training and hard work ahead, but I am really looking forward to the race. 

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