Friday, September 7, 2007

One Mile Around

I was able to do a walk around the neighborhood tonight. I literally walked AROUND the neighborhood, I walked the entire street the circles the neighborhood. It clocked at almost exactly one mile (1.07.) and it took me just under a 1/2 and hour. One mile is a nice round number to base some of my walks around, pretty soon I hope to be walking two or three laps around the neighborhood. The only bad thing about that route is the hills. It is mostly up hill the first half or so, with a downhill stretch in the middle, and another hill at the end (just when I am to my tiredest.) With a bit more practice I hope that won't be as big a deal. It was too hot for Baily and I to walk after school so we are going to walk tommorow night at about 7:00pm.

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